Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s
SQLDay 2020, Intelligent Query Processing
Expert Summit, Database Projects in Azure Data Studio
Comarch Competence Day, Wydajne zapytania to szybka aplikacja
Expert Summit, Lublin, Intelligent Query Processing
InfoMEET, Wrocław, Monitorowanie SQL Server
Global Azure Bootcamp 2019, Kraków, Azure Data Factory
SQL Day 2019, Wrocław: ADF Mapping Data Flow
InfoMEET 2019, Katowice, Wrocław: Rejestrowanie zmian w SQL Server
SQL Saturday 2019, Kraków: Programowanie T-SQL
InfoMEET 2018 Katowice, Wrocław: Indeksy i plany zapytań w SQL Server
SQL Saturday 2018, Bania Luka: Azure SQL Data Warehouse
SQL Saturday 2018, Sofia: Azure Data Factory
SQL Saturday 2017, Katowice: Integration Services w praktyce
SQL Day 2017, Wrocław – What’s new in Reporting Services
Global Azure Bootcamp 2017, Poznań: Azure Data Warehouse
SQL Saturday 2016, Kijów – Service Broker in action
SQL Day 2016, Wrocław – Service Broker in action
SQL Day Lite 2015, Warszawa – SQL Server 2016, Nowości w zakresie bezpieczeństwa
SQL Day 2015, Wrocław – Wyszukiwanie pełnotekstowe w SQL Server
SQL Day 2014, Wrocław – SQL Server 2014 to nie tylko In-Memory
Microsoft Day 2012 – Co nowego w SQL Server 2012
SQL Day Workshop 2009 – Testowanie kodu TSQL